CCTPEI Registration Exam (COMPASS)

Before accessing the COMPASS exam, you must register with CCTPEI and upload your Master's degree

COMPASS exam timeline— SPRING 2025:

  • The submission period for the Spring 2025 COMPASS exam has now closed. If you would like to be added to the Fall exam list, please contact us.

Time to write the exam: 3 hours

Exam fee: $545 + tax (please note that all fees for the exam are paid directly to COMPASS; refunds are assessed a $20 transaction fee)

See the detailed steps to complete COMPASS registration

About the Exam

New Applicants to the College of Counselling Therapy of PEI must successfully complete the CCTPEI Registration Exam (also known as the Canadian Professional Standard for Counselling and Psychotherapy (CPSCP): Entry to Practice Competency Assessment).

The exam is offered by the COMPASS Centre for Examination Development, a national body established to develop and administer this assessment. It is a computer-based tool, available in both English and French, designed to be reflective of the diversity of psychotherapy traditions and practices. The exam assesses a practitioner's knowledge of various key entry-to-practice competencies and their information-gathering and decision-making skills in a variety of typical scenarios and simulations.

COMPASS has created the Entry-to-Practice Registration Examination Resource Manual to answer your questions about the development, structure and format of the registration exam. For more information about the exam, please visit the COMPASS website.

The exam is offered twice per year, in the spring and in the fall, subject to change. As a New Applicant to the College, you will be informed of upcoming exam dates and the process to register for the exam. Please note that COMPASS requires 6 to 8 weeks to schedule applicants for the exam, and all other College entry requirements must be verified by the registrar prior to the start of this process. Please start your registration process with the College early!

Steps for Completing the COMPASS Exam Registration

  1. You complete your registration with the College. Select the New Applicant - Provisional Registration as the registration type.
  2. You submit the intent to write the exam to the College Registrar. Once you have created your account and uploaded your Master's degree, fill out and submit the Intent to Write COMPASS form. IMPORTANT: At this time you will also need to consent to the Candidate Statement of Understanding. After submission of the form, the Registrar's office will send you a confirmation email with further instructions and an ID number required to register for the COMPASS exam.

    If you have any accessibility or accommodations needs (such as extended writing time, separate room, service animal, etc.), please email us and we will provide you the Request Form you need to fill out and submit no later than February 10, 2025.

  3. The College Registrar confirms your exam registration. The Registrar will send your information to COMPASS administrators.
  4. You complete your registration with COMPASS. The College Registrar will send you the link where you will finalize your COMPASS registration and pay the exam fee (paid to COMPASS directly). Go to the link and:
    • Select your organization (CCTPEI).
    • Follow the prompts to complete the proctored exam scheduling form.
      • Use the dropdown menus and calendar to schedule your preferred examination administration time.
      • Complete your credit card information to pay for your examination.
    • A booking confirmation and e-mail notice arrive in your inbox.
    • Protect this date in your calendar.
  5. COMPASS confirms your special accommodation, if applicable. If you submitted a special accommodation request, the COMPASS Centre will confirm your request accordingly.
  6. COMPASS provides a handbook and other tools to prepare for the exam. Please reach out to the registrar's office should you require more information on accessing those tools.
  7. Write your exam 
  8. You will receive your results directly from COMPASS via email, approximately 6-8 weeks after your exam.
  9. If you pass the COMPASS exam, please e-mail your certificate to the registrar's office, and it will be uploaded to your HMS profile. 
  10. Upon successful completion of the COMPASS exam, you may begin or continue accruing your DCC hours under supervision (supervision contract required). Once completed, notify the registrar's office, and you will be granted General Registrant status, no longer requiring supervision.


  • Ensure you have administrator rights for the computer you will be using for the examination administration. All pre-testing of connectivity and technical requirements should be conducted with the technology and in the location at which you intend to write the examination.
  • Ensure your computer has the minimum technical requirements including Google Chrome (50+), a webcam, and an operating system of Windows 7 or higher, or Mac OSX 10.15.x or higher. (Tablets, iPads, Chromebooks, Linux-operated systems etc., are not compliant with technical requirements). Some software programs and their extensions may need to be disabled during the administration of the examination for compliance and security reasons. You will also need a mobile phone as a secondary camera and connection point. All technology must be plugged in throughout the administration of the examination.
  • Follow the instructions for required downloads as indicated by MonitorEDU BEFORE the date of your scheduled examination (i.e., download GoogleMeet application and secure lockdown browser at least 5 days before your examination). If you experience difficulties, refer to MonitorEDU FAQs.
  • Be prepared to clear your cache following the exam administration.

REMEMBER: Your remotely proctored examination location and its technical equipment create a de facto individual test centre. You must maintain the same decorum and follow the same restrictions that would be in place if you were writing the examination in a public test centre with a proctor and other test-takers on site.