List of Registered Members of the College of Counselling Therapy PEI
Adams, Arthur (General registrant #174)
Adams, John (General registrant #137)
Angus , Alysia (Provisional registrant #307)
Arndt, Paula (General registrant #239)
Arseneau, Samantha M. (Provisional registrant #315)
Auld, Tammi Jo (General registrant #211)
Baker, Georgia D. (Provisional registrant #316)
Balderston, Marilyn (General registrant #201)
Birt, Dianne R. (General registrant #225)
Bishop, Alexander H. (General registrant #304)
Black, Carolyn M. (General registrant #172)
Blackett, Taylor (General registrant #248)
Bulatci, Kristy A. (General registrant #271)
Bustard, Kimberly A. (General registrant #189)
Butler, Lynn (Provisional registrant #310)
Campbell, Jessica (Provisional registrant #324)
Cantwell, Alexandrea (General registrant #229)
Chaisson, Koren (General registrant #142)
Chaube, Chandni (General registrant #279)
Clements, Mary C. (General registrant #297)
Coffey, Debra L. (General registrant #244)
Collier, Seanna (General registrant #286)
Conboy, Eileen (General registrant #245)
Connors, Jaicey Mae (Provisional registrant #311)
Coulombe, Lydia (General registrant #289)
Cullen, Joann (General registrant #231)
Davies, Robert J. (General registrant #230)
Dawson, Stephanie (General registrant #250)
DeCoste, Cara T. (General registrant #217)
Doucette, Louise (General registrant #298)
Dunham, Amanda (General registrant #266)
Dwyer, Lori-Beth (General registrant #255)
Ellis, Douglas R. (General registrant #101)
Farrow, Danielle (General registrant #276)
Fitzpatrick, Trish (General registrant #181)
Fraser, Theresa (General registrant #251)
Fraser, Mandy (General registrant #287)
Fyfe, Juli (General registrant #247)
Gallant, Janet (General registrant #207)
Gard, Lori (General registrant #118)
Garland, Andrea C. (General registrant #206)
Gates, Joshua R. (Provisional registrant #319)
Gillan, Jennifer (General registrant #197)
Gillis, Judy G. (General registrant #259)
Gillis, Rachel (General registrant #302)
Grant, Kevin W. (General registrant #107)
Grobler, Ari (General registrant #314)
Hamill, Shelby (General registrant #179)
Hashie, Marissa V. (General registrant #275)
Hassall, Shelly A. (General registrant #252)
Henderson, Nichole (General registrant #309)
Hendricken-Eldershaw, Corrine (General registrant #188)
Hennessey, Kylah (General registrant #149)
Horton, Roy (Provisional registrant #322)
Ingersoll, Dwight (General registrant #238)
Innis, Sydney (Provisional registrant #321)
Jay, Sarah (General registrant #270)
Kalam, Julianne (Provisional registrant #306)
Lank, Kathy (General registrant #202)
Lewis, Joshua (General registrant #258)
Lindsay, Julie A. (General registrant #257)
Locke, Joy (General registrant #300)
Lowings, Katherine (General registrant #110)
Lutz, Heidi S. (General registrant #223)
MacArthur, Justin G. (General registrant #293)
MacDonald, Robyn C. (General registrant #288)
MacDonald-Vail, Denise (General registrant #166)
MacDougall, Taylor (General registrant #294)
MacEwen, Lori (General registrant #253)
MacKinnon, Judith (General registrant #153)
Macleod, Rachel (General registrant #277)
Mahar, Colleen (General registrant #132)
Mann, Shelly (General registrant #113)
Martin, Taylor M. (General registrant #192)
Matheson, Leza J. (General registrant #280)
Mccabe, Julie (General registrant #168)
McMahon, Jessica (General registrant #291)
McNair, Rachel (General registrant #106)
Milligan, Karen L. (General registrant #119)
Mindorff-Hamilton, Alexandra (General registrant #254)
Mitchell, David (General registrant #224)
Mitchell, Michala (General registrant #249)
Muckler, Megan (General registrant #112)
Murphy, Joelle (General registrant #305)
Murray, Sarah-Louise (General registrant #262)
Murray, Katie (General registrant #303)
Mutch, Peter (General registrant #246)
Mutch-Kennedy, Jennifer (Provisional registrant #326)
Neitz, Mary Jane (General registrant #285)
Noonan, Maribeth (General registrant #215)
North, Margo (General registrant #193)
Oberoi, Rainuka (General registrant #313)
Oosting, Elaine (General registrant #295)
Parrott, Julia (General registrant #265)
Payne, Janet (General registrant #274)
Pearce, Denise (General registrant #163)
Perry, Megan (General registrant #129)
Peters, Megan (General registrant #261)
Peters, Hannah (Provisional registrant #325)
Phillips, Yvonne H. (General registrant #199)
poole, aimee (General registrant #268)
Ramsay, Mandy (General registrant #210)
Reddin, James R. (General registrant #151)
Rix, Kristen (General registrant #272)
Roach, Michelle J. (General registrant #100)
Robertson, Kate K. (General registrant #232)
Rogers, Mary (General registrant #126)
Rose, Liana (General registrant #299)
Ross, Julia A. (General registrant #284)
Rutledge, Emily (General registrant #267)
Sabean, Jill (General registrant #233)
Sanderson, Krista (General registrant #323)
Schurman, Shelley (General registrant #312)
Shea, Brianne (General registrant #222)
Sheridan, Sandra V. (General registrant #183)
Sherman, Kristen (General registrant #282)
Stewart, Joanna (Provisional registrant #308)
Strickey, Rosalyn (General registrant #212)
Stringer, Doug (General registrant #296)
Switzer, Kailea M. (General registrant #144)
Terpstra, Hannah (General registrant #269)
Trainor, Christine M. (General registrant #263)
Webb, Marilyn (General registrant #182)
Wigmore, Donna (General registrant #283)
Williams, Michelle D. (General registrant #219)
Wilson, Elizabeth Joy (General registrant #135)
WONG, TAK CHUNG (General registrant #318)
Wood , Cindy L. (General registrant #220)